Mezinárodní rok půdy 2015


[spoiler title=“Březen 2015″] 7 March | Dundee, UK

James Hutton Institute

Open Farm Sunday


7 March | Aberdeen, UK

James Hutton Institute

Women in Science


9 March | Krefeld, Germany

Geologischer Dienst NRW

GD Forum


10 March | Stockholm, Sweden

Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI)

How to Feed Nine Billion within the Planet’s Boundaries – Agroecology for Food Security & Nutrition


10 March | Stirling, UK

Scottish Organic Forum

Scottish Soils Conference


11 March | Windischeschenbach, Germany

Umweltstation GEO-Zentrum Windischeschenbach

Waldböden – Dienstleister im Ökosystem


12 March | Hanover, Germany

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) & Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG), Lower Saxony

Energiewende – ein Thema für den Boden


12-13 March | Marbella, Spain

MGIMO University, United Nations Association of Russia

III International Ecological Forum ‘Sustainable agriculture, international development prospects’


16-19 March|Pafos, Cyprus

Cyprus Remote Sensing Society and Cyprus University of Technology

Third International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geo-information of Environment


17 March | Wetzlar, Germany

Naturschutz-Akademie Hessen

Bodenschutz bei der Planung und Errichtung von Windenergieanlagen


18 March 2015 | Helsinki, Finland

Finnish Peatland Society (Suoseura)

Spring seminar


19 March | ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Down2Earth, Brabantse Milieufederatie, Voedsel Anders

Bodem anders!


24 March 2015 | Wexford, Ireland

Teagasc- Crops, Environment & Land Use Programme

Stakeholder Workshop: Soil status project


24-26 March | Paris, France


Intersoil 2015 – Polluted sites and soils


25 March | Kalmthout, Belgium

De Vroente – Flemish Knowledge and Education Centre for Nature and Environment

Op speurtocht in de bodem


25 March | Windischeschenbach, Germany

Umweltstation GEO-Zentrum Windischeschenbach

Der Einfluss des Bodens auf das Hochwasser


25 March | Paris, France


SNOWMAN Knowledge dissemination meeting


25-27 March | Dresden, Germany

United Nations University, UNU FLORES

Dresden Nexus Conference on water, soil, and waste – Global Change, Sustainable Development Goals and the Nexus Approach


26 March | Tartu, Estonia

Estonian University of Life Sciences & Estonian Ministry of Defence

International seminar Soil trafficability – challenges for soil and vehicles


28 March | Domburg, The Netherlands

IVN Association for Environmental Education and Sustainability

Cursus over de Zeeuwse bodem


29 March – 21 Juni | Kruishoutem, Belgium

European Cartoon Exhibition

International cartoon exhibition on the theme ‘Soil pollution and sanitation’


31 March | Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Earth and Life Institute of Université catholique de Louvain

Symposium – New paradigms for food security and natural resources


31 March | Brussels, Belgium

European Landowners Association (ELO), Syngenta

Forum for the Future of Agriculture – Meeting the Food & Environmental Challenge

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1 April | Zeeland, The Netherlands

IVN Association for Environmental Education and Sustainability

Natuuroudercursus over de Zeeuwse bodem


1 April | Leuven, Belgium

Soil Science Society of Belgium (SSSB)

Day of the young soil scientist


2 April | Lille, France

L’Union des Consultants et Ingénieurs en Environnement (UCIE)

Urbaniser sur des terrains en friche ou à passif: Perspectives et mode d’emploi


12-17 April | Vienna, Austria

European Geosciences Union

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015


13-16 April | Vienna, Austria

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

5th HydroEco 2015 – 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology


13-17 April | Potsdam, Germany

Global Soil Partnership

Third Working Session of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils


16 April | Chiemsee, Germany

International Expert Group on Earth System Preservation (IESP), TU München

Soil – An Essential Resource


18 April 2015| Vienna, Austria


The ‘Wienerwald’ – variable site conditions within a short distance


19-23 April | Berlin, Germany


3rd Global Soil Week


20 -27 April | Nabburg, Germany

Wasserwirtschaftsämt Weiden, Wasserwirtschaftsämt Regensburg, Landratsamt Schwandorf & Oberpfälzer Freilandmuseum

Oberpfälzer Weltwasserwoche


21 April | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)

Towards an ecology intensive agriculture: learning from nature


22 April | Mechelen, Belgium

Vlaanderen is bodembewust

Debat bodembewust


23 April | Utrecht, The Netherlands

Koninklijk Nederlands Waternetwerk

Voorjaarscongres – Gedoe in de ondergrond


28 April – 1 May | Raesfeld, Germany


SUBSOM-Symposium 2015 – Organic matter storage and turnover in subsoils


28 April | Paris, France


Soil environmental functions and sustainable management of the soil heritage


28-29 April | Günzburg, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Renaturierung und Rekultivierung von Sand- und Kiesgruben


28-30 April 2015 | Wageningen, The Netherlands

Wageningen University and Research Centre

Living Soils Conference – 7th IOBC working group meeting on Multitrophic

[/spoiler] [spoiler title=“Květen 2015″]

May | Aberdeen, UK

James Hutton Institute

May Festival


1 May – 31 October  | Milan, Italy

Expo 2015

Expo 2015 – Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life


6 May | Harpenden, UK

Rothamsted Research

Soil Fertility: Why do we need to protect soils from degradation?


6 May | Milan, Italy

Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA)

“Let’s Gain Ground!” – Policies, Actions and Measures for Sustainable Land Use


8-9 May 2015 | Lüneburg, Germany


Workshops “Soil Perception for Nature Guides for Nature Guides of the Lüneburg Heath Nature Park


11-15 May | Sofia, Bulgaria

Nikola Pushkarov Institute of Soil Science & Bulgarian Soil Science Society

Soil and Agrotechnology in a Changing World


13-14 May |Kostelec nad Černými, Czech Republic

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS)

Conference on afforestation of agricultural land (in Czech language)


17 May | Erfstadt (Cologne), Germany

Umweltnetzwerk Erftstadt

Opening of the Bodenerlebnisparks (Opening of the soil experience park)


17 May | Harpenden, UK

Rothamsted Research

Soil is Life! Open Day for the public – Soil Science at Rothamsted Research


18 May | Harpenden, UK

Rothamsted Research

Soil is Life! Soil Science and Fascination of Plants Schools Day (by invitation)


18 May | Laufen, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Aktionswoche Schulen: Der Boden ernährt uns


18 May | Wageningen, The Netherlands

ISRIC – World Soil Information

ISRIC Spring School


18-22 May | Giesbeek, The Netherlands

Eijkelkamp Academy, Royal Dutch Geographical Society (KNAG)

Geoweek 2015: soils


18-22 May | Bilthoven, The Netherlands

Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Royal Dutch Geographical Society (KNAG)

Geoweek 2015: groundwater quality


18-22 May | Deventer, The Netherlands

Witteveen en Bos, Royal Dutch Geographical Society (KNAG)

Geoweek 2015: the importance of soils


18-22 May | Middelburg, The Netherlands

Provincie Zeeland, Royal Dutch Geographical Society (KNAG)

Geoweek 2015: soils and water in Zeeland


19 May | Zoetermeer, The Netherlands

IVN Association for Environmental Education and Sustainability

De Bodem In


22 May – 16 August | Alzenau, Germany

Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection

Boden & Wein am Main – ein Beitrag zum Bodenbewusstsein


25-29 May | Laufen, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Landschaftsökologisches Studienpraktikum Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf


26 May | Brussels, Belgium

Bruxelles Environnement / Leefmilieu Brussel


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1-4 June | Riedenburg, Germany

Bayerische Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL)

Grünlandtypen erkennen – bewerten – managen


1-5 June | Madrid, Spain

National Museum of Natural Sciences Madrid

Soils exhibition at National Museum of Natural Sciences Madrid


2-4 June | Keszthely, Hungary

IUSS, University of Pannonia, Joint Research Centre, European Environmental Agency, Chinese Academy of Sciences & Hungarian Soil Science Society

Land Quality and Landscape Processes Conference and Workshops


3-5 June | Brussels, Belgium

European Commission, DG Environment

Green Week 2015 – Nature – our health, our wealth


5-6 June | Lüneburg, Germany


Workshops “Soil Perception for Nature Guides for Nature Guides of the Biosphere Reserve Lower Saxonian Elbe Valley


6-13 June | Rome, Italy

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)

Launch of World Soil Resources Report at the 39th session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)


6-17 June | Staré Splavy, Czech Republic

Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of Environment

Conference on sustainable land management (in Czech language)


7-12 June | Tullamore, Ireland

Irish Peat Society

Colloquy on the Peatland Experience – A new conversation on peatlands


9 June | Lübeck, Germany

Verband der Humus- und Erdenwirtschaft Region Nord (VHE Nord)

Lebendiger Boden trägt reiche Ernte


9-12 June | Copenhagen, Denmark

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Deltares

13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources


11 June | Beauvais, France

LaSalle – Institute Polytechnique

Conference: Une deuxième vie pour les sols contaminés par les métaux grâce aux technologies végétales


10-12 June | Windischeschenbach, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Die Welt unter unseren Füßen – Ressource Boden


11-12 June | Wagenfeld, Germany

European Land and Soil Alliance (ELSA)

Internationale Jahrestagung der European Land and Soil Alliance 


16-17 June | Barcelona, Spain


8th EUREGEO European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems


16-17 June | Ghent, Belgium

Gent BC, Ghent University

2. Desertland Conference


17 June | Worldwide

UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

2015 World Day to Combat Desertification


18-21 June | Edinburgh, UK

James Hutton Institute

Royal Highland Show with presence of James Hutton Institute


22-25 June | Roma, Italy

Global Soil Partnership

Third plenary assembly of the Global Soil Partnership


24-25 June | Benediktbeuern, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Moore in der Landschaft – ein Plus für den Klimaschutz


25-26 June | Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Strategiesitzung Boden und Geologie


26-29 June | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Save Our Soils Initiative, IFOAM, WWF and FAO

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5 July | Edinburgh, UK

European Clay Groups Association

Euroclay 2015


9 July | Online

Association Française pour l’Étude du Sol (AFES)

Webinar: Etat des lieux de l’enseignement supérieur de la Science du Sol en France


13-16 July 2015| Athens, Greece

Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER)

8th Annual International Symposium on Agriculture


16 July | Harpenden, UK

Rothamsted Research

Soil Biodiversity: How to Explore and Utilise Life in Soils?


17 July | Dundee, UK

James Hutton Institute

Fruit for the Future


30 July | Aberdeen, UK

James Hutton Institute

Cereals in Practice

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5 August | Laufen, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Die Farbe der Erde


7 August | Laufen, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Natur vor der Haustür: ‚Bodensafari‘


13 August | Dundee, UK

James Hutton Institute

Potatoes in Practice


16-21 August | Prague, Czech Republic

Goldschmidt 2015

2015 Goldschmidt conference on geochemistry


17-28 August | Zagreb, Croatia

Intensive Training Course on Soil Micromorphology

Croatian Geological Survey (HGI)


23-27 August | Wageningen, The Netherlands

ISRIC – World Soil Information

Wageningen Soil Conference 2015


27 August – 1 October | Ihlienworth, Germany

RE-ART Halle

Biennial exposition in the framework of the International Year of Soils: ‚Boden! Bildung 2015‘


30 August – 5 September  |  Vienna, Austria

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), ZALF, FiBL, DBG, ÖBG

Summer School ‚Soil-borne greenhouse gases: from field data to publication‘


31 August – 5 September | Wroclaw, Poland

Polish Society of Soil Science Soil Resources and Sustainable Development

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1-5 September | Gödöllo, Hungary


International Field Course and Soil Judging Contest, a Celebration of the IYS


3 September | Online

Association Française pour l’Étude du Sol (AFES)

Webinar – Apport des modèles théoriques en écologie des sols


5-7 September | Tallinn, Estonia

Eesti Turbaliit

Baltic Peat Forum


5-10 September | Munich, Germany

German Soil Science Society (DBG)

2015 Annual Meeting


7-11 September 2015|Prague, Czech Republic

WMESS 2015

The World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium– WMESS 2015


8-15 September | Hamburg, Germany

Ramiran, TUHH Technical University of Hamburg, TuTech, GFEU, AWW & eseia

Ramiran 2015


15-18 September | Cordoba, Spain


Pedometrics 2015


17-20 September| Kavala, Greece

Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment (HAICTA 2015)


21-24 September | Vienna, Austria

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences, Institute of Hydraulics and Rural Water Management (IHLW)

LUWQ2015 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Land Use and Water Quality


21-24 September | Freudenstadt (Germany)

TU Clausthal

Workshop on terrestrial systems – frontiers of our understanding


23-25 September | Göttingen, Germany


5th Symposium on Soil Organic Matter


23-25 September | Kiel, Germany

IUSS & Christian Albrechts University

SUSTAIN – Soil functions and climate change- do we underestimate the consequences of new disequilibria in soil properties


September |Rila, Bulgaria

[/spoiler] [spoiler title=“Říjen 2015″]

7-8 October | Bad Reichenhall, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management



15 October | Laufen, Germany

Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management

Lehrerfortbildung: Boden – Grundlage des Lebens


15-16 October | Ispra, Italy

Joint Research Centre

4th JRC ENSA Workshop on Soil Awareness and Education


20 October | Milan, Italy

Expo 2015

EXPO2015 – Where Food Begins


29 October | Osnabrück, Germany

Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Workshop Regeneration of Compacted Forest Soils


30 October | Osnabrück, Germany

Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, RÜWOLA project

Bodenschutz im Wald

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29 November – 3 December | Prague, Czech Republic

Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR

Ecology of Soil Microorganism 2015

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4 December 2015 – 31 January 2016 | Leuven, Belgium

Soil Science Society of Belgium

Africa Soils 2015 Exhibition


5 December | Rome, Italy


World Soil Day 2015


5 December | Rome, Italy


Closing event of the IYS 2015
